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Understand reports better

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Understand reports better

'Sales By Product' report conveniently shows a complete view of sales performance. It helps you understand which products sell better, which days/months sell better and find out trends, check out sales and orders over any specific time period. You can view best-selling 50 products as Bar Chart, best-selling 20 products as Line Chart and sales figures for all products in Table Format. See Screenshots


'Sales By Category' report conveniently shows a complete view of sales figures per category and helps you understand which product categories sell better, which days/months sell better, check out sales and orders per category over any specific time period. You can view best-selling 50 categories as Bar Chart, best-selling 20 categories as Line Chart and sales figures for all product categories in Table Format. See Screenshots


'Sales By Customer' report conveniently shows a complete view of customers' buying power and helps you understand which customers are worth keeping. You can find out if customers are affected by seasonal promotions and analyze purchases and customer attitude over any specific time period. You can view top 50 customers as Bar Chart, top 20 customers as Line Chart and the incomes from all customers in Table Format. See Screenshots


'Sales By Country' report is helpful for online stores that sell internationally. That report conveniently illustrates sales performance by country It helps you understand customers from which countries buy most, find out how geographic distances affect your sales and analyze international customers' purchases and attitude over any specific time period. You can view top 50 countries as Bar Chart, top 20 counties as Line Chart and the incomes from all countries in Table Format. See Screenshots


'Customer Countries' report is useful to online stores that sell internationally. That report conveniently illustrates the geographic distribution of your market. It helps you understand how many customers you have from a country and find out how geographic distances affect your target market. Note that when you specify the date range (period) of this report, customers get listed according to their registration date. You can check out 2 parameters using Chart Value: sales and number of orders. See Screenshots


'Average Order Amount' report is an indicator that divides sales volume by the number of orders for a set period of time, and is useful to analyze sales and customer behaviour. That report helps you get a quick view of high and low-performing periods in the history of the store.
For example, when a store has multiple, but low-volume purchases, one can think of strong Cross-selling and Upselling offers, or create attractive discounts for returning customers.

Once you specify the date range (period) of this report you can check out 3 parameters using Chart Value: sales, average order amount and number of orders. See Screenshots


'Order Statuses' report gives a complete view of orders by orders' statuses. It shows how the store performs internally and how you process orders. Once you specify the date range (period) of this report you can check out 2 parameters using Chart Value: sales and number of orders. See Screenshots


'Payment Methods' report gives a complete view of the payment methods you offer and the sales volume processed with each. That report helps you understand what payment methods customers prefer mostly. Once you specify the date range (period) of this report you can check out 2 parameters using Chart Value: sales and number of orders. See Screenshots


'Shipping Methods and Costs' report gives a complete view of the shipping methods you offer, the sales  volume dispatched with each and the shipping costs your customers pay. That report helps you understand which are the most cost-effective shipping methods, and what customers prefer. Once you specify the date range (period) of this report you can check out 3 parameters using Chart Value: sales, number of orders and shipping costs. See Screenshots


'Taxes' report gives a complete view of the taxes you collect from your customers. That report shows the tax amount calculated on sales. Once you specify the date range (period) of this report you can check out 3 parameters using Chart Value: tax, sales and number of orders. See Screenshots


'Items per Order' report conveniently illustrates the quantity of products in an order. This indicator is useful  when you analyze sales performance and customer behaviour.

For example, to increase number of items per order, one can think of strong Cross-selling and Upselling offers, or create attractive discounts for returning customers.

You can view summary results in Bar Chart and Table Format, detailed results in Line Chart and also in Table Format. See Screenshots