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Currency rate modules

Currency rate modules

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Currency rate modules

What are Currency rate modules

Summer Cart shopping cart has built-in functions to work with multiple currencies. The supported currencies automatically receive daily updates on exchange rates, if you are using the Summer Cart Pro pack..

Currency rate modules enable you to select the source of currency rate updates. Summer Cart takes data from six recognized sources - six significant Banks from different areas of the world. Once you have completed your settings at 'Currencies' page you can go to 'Currency rate modules' to manage the sources.

How to manage 'Currency Rate Modules'

>> Open Summer Cart admin panel

>> Go to the Settings menu, under 'Modules' click on Currency rate link.


'Currency Rate Modules' page shows the six currency rate sources Summer Cart supports.

Use 'Currency Rate Modules' page to select the currency rate source that best suits your economic preferences, and also to arrange sort order if you keep all sources active. Summer Cart provides six modules for automatically extracted currency rate data and makes it possible to list product prices in multiple currencies.

You can also see Currencies topic for detailed instructions on multiple currency settings.


Currency rate sources

Currency rate updates come from 2 recognized sources. You can select to receive exchange rates from one of the sources, or from both.

European Central Bank

Provides daily euro-based currency rates

Bank of Canada

Reserve bank of Australia

Central bank of the republic of Turkey

National bank of Romania

Bulgarian National Bank

Provides daily Canadian dollar-based currency rates

Provides daily Australian dollar-based currency rates

Provides daily Turkish-lira-based currency rates

Provides daily Romanian-leu-based currency rates

Provides daily Bulgarian-lev-based currency rates

Sort order of currency rate modules

This feature is useful when you keep all modules active. It allows you to define currency quotes from which source you prefer first. For example, the Euro/Dollar quote is listed by the two banks but you can prefer the European Central Bank as your first choice for everyday updates.

Auto update of currency rates

As you know, Summer Cart is offered in three packages - Start, Plus and Pro. If you get  the PRO pack, Summer Cart will automatically update the currency rates daily. You can view them by clicking "Rate" at the Currency rate modules page. If else, you will have to enter their values manually. In order to get or update to PRO package, contact our sales team.