Checkout modules
What are checkout modules
Checkout modules enable you to support different checkout processes. The checkout process is the time when a customer confirms his order and submits payment and shipping details. Checkout modules enable you to define how customers will finalize the purchase. You can apply the step-by-step approach of the Wizard Checkout, Google Checkout or PayPal Express.
How to manage 'Checkout Modules'
>> Open Summer Cart admin panel
>> Go to the Settings menu, under 'Modules' click on Checkout link.
'Checkout Modules' page shows all checkout processes supported by Summer Cart.
Use 'Checkout Modules' page to activate one or more checkout processes and arrange sort order. You can activate them through the Options link next to each module.
It's important to arrange sort order of active checkout methods with /
buttons if you have two or more active methods.
Note: Only active checkout modules are available to customers in the Store Front. Inactive checkout modules are not visible in Store Front.