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RBS WorldPay

RBS WorldPay

Price: 0.00лв.

RBS WorldPay

>> Open Summer Cart admin panel

>> Go to the Settings menu, under 'Modules' click on Payment link

>> Select 'RBS WorldPay'


Summer Cart shopping cart has an embedded module for the Business Gateway/Select Junior service of RBS WorldPay payment system. RBS WorldPay works with international merchants from a large list of countries. Customers, who want to pay through this payment method, in the end of checkout process will be redirected to a secure payment page on RBS WorldPay website.


The module has 8 setup options that need to be completed before its activation:


Installation ID

Summer Cart store owner is required to enter his/her Installation ID provided in the RBS WorldPay account.


Test mode is only used to make test purchases, without processing real credit card data.

Live mode is for valid real-time credit card processing.

Remember that for secure real-time transactions at a live store the test mode MUST BE TURNED OFF.

Auth Mode

Authorization mode can be FULL AUTHORIZATION (full auth) or PRE AUTHORIZATION (pre auth).

'Full Authorization' allows merchants to authorize the amount at the time of the checkout and take the money (capture) from customer's credit card immediately. However, there is a risk that if a customer decides to cancel that payment RBS WorldPay will make a refund and charge the merchant with additional fees.


'Pre Authorization' allows merchants to authorize the amount at the time of the checkout and take the money (capture) from customer's credit card at a later time. If a customer decides to cancel that payment before capture it will not be necessary to  make a refund and therefore, RBS WorldPay will NOT charge any fees.
If the merchant does not initiate capture in relatively short time, authorization automatically expires in 3 days usually.

???? In this case it is possible to make a re-authorization and successfully capture the amount.

Order Description

Summer Cart store owner is required to submit a short order description by which end customers will recognize the purchase from his/her store.
It's advisable that you include the name of your store in Order Description.
Example: Your order at .

Allow contacts edit

If you enable this option your customers will be able to edit their name and address on the Hosted Payment Page at RBS WorldPay website.

Default Currency

You need to select default currency from a drop-down list. Default currency will be used only if current customer currency is not supported by RBS WorldPay.

MD5 secret for transactions

The MD5 secret is a unique string of letters and figures. A merchant has to take it from his/her account with RBS WorldPay.This string is used to sign the transaction data that Summer Cart system sends to RBS WorldPay.

Payment Response Password

A merchant has to take this payment response password from his/her account with RBS WorldPay. It will be used to verify the response from RBS WorldPay.